Kids... and their eyebrows

It's never the girls, you see.

Something... something is driving boys to modify their eyebrows. It's not necessarily those sporting a good old fashioned unibrow. Usually those kids are painfully UNaware of how 'singular' their brows have become in the past few pubescent years.

Is it the increasing prevalence of male sissification? Is it curiosity? Is it an obsessive compulsive need for facial symmetry? A few years ago the very same thing happened. Perhaps they were subconsciously inspired.

Last week, a boy in 9th grade-- a 15 year old boy, decided that his eyebrows were... a bit off. Off enough that he wanted to take his electric razor (note not clippers-- not that that would have been much better) to them. I must add that his eyebrows were fine. In fact they are probably one of his most essential assets as he is quite the comedian. According to his houseparent, he accidentally shaved 2/3 of one eyebrow off.

Now I've been known to be a klutz from time to time, but what kind of convulsion would it take to shave off two thirds of one brow? Maybe secretly, he wanted to. I wouldn't put it past him.

After the first slip, he decided that since his original goal was symmetry, he'd best shave the other brow to match, ultimately resulting in two little tufts of hair toward the center of his face. Hahaha.

A quote from the houseparent's winning e-mail on the matter: "So, whatever random stories may be passed around (and yes, *insert name here* did attempt to make them symmetrical, to no avail, since symmetrical tufts of hair are still smalln random tufts, no matter how even they may be)"

Ultimately, the student decided to shave them off entirely.

The good news? There is absolutely no possibility of his eyebrows becoming infested with lice.


Anonymous said...

Funniest night of my life! I'm still amazed he trusted his roommate and NW to "even them out".